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A Bloody Shame: I Speak.

That's right. The Gods blame you for your impurity after they made you that way. In India, menstruation and women's sanitary hygiene (though much debated in society today) are considered taboo and undoubtedly one of the most dreaded topics of discussion among families. In any Indian society no matter how modern or conservative, menstruation is seen as impure and sometimes even sinful, by men and women alike. Every Indian woman, I'm sure, has at least once had some kind of awkward, embarrassing experience while on her period. Women go through a half lifetime bleeding it out every month, but we're all so afraid to face the plain reality of it. We Indian women are so conditioned to this and we blend so well in society without ever showing a sign of being on our period, why is it a big deal? You know those rare times when we fail to conceal our bodily monsters, maybe in the form of a stain on our clothes or a drop of blood in the bathroom? THAT is when it's ...

Canada: Of Nature and Serenity.

Where the Rockies and the Prairies meet.   At home, the summer can be the hardest on me. Everything's a frustration, the pressure of exams and assignments gets to me and all I can do is wait for them to end so I can run away to some strange, new place with exciting experiences. I don't really mind staying home during summers, but there's an unusual thrill to travelling that I have never wanted to miss. Spending 7 weeks in West Canada was the most unique, most elaborate vacation of my life, one that I relive and reminisce only too often. Met this adorable little guy at a pet shop. His name was Vegas! Nothing spells summer like fresh berries. CALGARY   This experience was so different because I travelled alone for the first time, and it was a pretty big event for me. Before every splendid vacation there are too many things to be taken care of, extensive paperwork, filling forms at the airport, security checks and waiting. After this of course, ...